Saturday, May 7, 2011

City Scape


The Contrast of Nature

This painting shows the combination of ideas of a nature theme and a chaotic theme. This also shows an idea of a contrasting landscape, which is the sun and moon both seen in the sky. The difference of weather is also seen. One side is sunny and the other side is raining. The concept is basically a contrast of ideas.

Structure vs Nature (Mountain)

This piece was a continuation of “The Fall from Control.” This painting’s concept is the same just shown in a different way. The structure is the white frame and the unstructured or nature is the background which is shown to appear uncontrollable. The transition is the little pieces of white lines that are placed everywhere.

The Fall from Control

The concept behind this painting was to show a continuation of the transition of structure to unstructured. There are many ways to look and see this concept. One way of viewing is by the unstructured is represented by the nature, and the structured is represented by the bold, perfectly white frame. Another side is by viewing the city life on the left side of the painting, which can also represent structure, and on the opposite side there is a dessert which is uninhabited by man. The city is the man’s control over nature and the desert is the man’s inability to control nature. The middle is where the control is falling. This is where the title comes from, “The Fall from Control.”


The concept behind this painting was to show an emotion. The emotion that I was going for was chaotic and an explosion type theme.